
Life-Saving Defibrillator Installed at 7th Lichfield Scout Hut through Fundraising Effort

The 7th Lichfield Scout Group is pleased to announce the purchase of a portable defibrillator at their Scout Hut in Ash Grove, made possible through a successful fundraising effort that raised over £1500.

GeoAccess, a local Asset Management company, played a crucial role by generously donating a matching Defibrillator training unit. Mark Coleman, Managing Director of GeoAccess and a dedicated Cub Leader, shared, "We are pleased to donate this training unit to the 7th Lichfield, supporting them in equipping their leaders and young people with vital life-saving skills."

The 7th Lichfield Scout Group extends heartfelt gratitude to all contributors who have supported this initiative.


Category: General
Posted by: 7thweb

The 7th Lichfield Scout Group is pleased to announce the purchase of a portable defibrillator at their Scout Hut in Ash Grove, made possible through a successful fundraising effort that raised over £1500.

Motivated by a personal experience administering CPR while on holiday, Group Lead Volunteer, Richard Taylor, initiated the fundraising appeal, emphasising the importance of having a defibrillator readily available during emergencies. Mr Taylor reflects, "This experience made me realise how important it was to have a defibrillator as close as possible in the event of someone having a heart attack."

The newly installed indoor defibrillator is accessible to the public only when the Scout Hut is in use. The group continues to raise funds for an exterior unit accessible to the local community at all times, actively seeking sponsors to contribute to this community safety initiative.

GeoAccess, a local Asset Management company, played a crucial role by generously donating a matching Defibrillator training unit. Mark Coleman, Managing Director of GeoAccess and a dedicated Cub Leader, shared, "We are pleased to donate this training unit to the 7th Lichfield, supporting them in equipping their leaders and young people with vital life-saving skills."

The 7th Lichfield Scout Group extends heartfelt gratitude to all contributors who have supported this initiative.

For inquiries or to contribute to the fundraising for an external defibrillator, please contact gsl@7thlichfield.org.uk.

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Category: General
Posted by: 7thweb

The 7th Lichfield Scout Group is pleased to announce the purchase of a portable defibrillator at their Scout Hut in Ash Grove, made possible through a successful fundraising effort that raised over £1500.

GeoAccess, a local Asset Management company, played a crucial role by generously donating a matching Defibrillator training unit. Mark Coleman, Managing Director of GeoAccess and a dedicated Cub Leader, shared, "We are pleased to donate this training unit to the 7th Lichfield, supporting them in equipping their leaders and young people with vital life-saving skills."

The 7th Lichfield Scout Group extends heartfelt gratitude to all contributors who have supported this initiative.


Category: General
Posted by: rjt

I would like your support to purchase a defibrillator for our scout hut.

I recently witnessed a stranger collapse due to a sudden heart attack while on holiday in Spain. Thanks to my training as a volunteer Scout Leader, I was able to help initiate CPR, sustaining the man's life until the arrival of a police car equipped with a defibrillator. This experience made me think about what would happen if a similar medical emergency occurred during one of our scout meetings or camps.

Please visit our Just Giving page if you would like to donate.

Category: General
Posted by: 7thweb

Justin from our friends at Whittington Cricket Club ran a taster session for Somers Cubs last week. It was a shame that the weather did not permit a trip to the ground, but I am sure that we will pay them a visit before long.

The cricket club are raising funds at the moment for an ambitious plan to go 'off-grid' to support a sustainable future. You can read more about their appeal here: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/taking-whittington-cricket-club-to-the-next-level