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Welcome to 7th Lichfield Scouts

The Scout Section is for boys and girls, aged between 10½ and 14 years. A young person can join a Scout Troop from 10 and may stay until they are 14½ years old. The Scout section is the third and final Section within the Scout Group.

Scouts are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities as part of their programme. "Participation" rather than meeting set standards is the key approach and for the Scout who wants to be recognised for their achievements there are a number of Challenges Awards and Activity Badges.

Being outdoors is an important part of the Programme, focusing on both the traditional Scouting skills, such as camping, survival and cooking as well as the wide range of adventurous activities, anything from abseiling to yachting.

Troop Name

Meeting Day

Meeting Time

More Information

Boswell Troop


7:30pm - 9:30pm

Group Page

Johnson Troop


7:30pm - 9:30pm

Group Page

Erasmus Troop


7:30pm - 9:30pm

Group Page


Please also find some useful links for: 

Scouts Badges & Awards

Scouts Promise, Law & Motto